Entries by Bret Koebbe

Pilot’s guide to iOS 12

Apple released the next major software update for iPad and iPhone this week, called iOS 12. While the update primarily focuses on improving speed and performance, you’ll find hundreds of other new features and improvements for both iPhone and iPad. Here’s what to look for.

Top 10 apps for student pilots

In addition to displaying digital charts and navigation data in the cockpit, the iPad is also very good for both organization and as a training resource on the ground. Student pilots can take advantage of all these benefits and use the iPad to save time and money during flight training with great apps available from the App Store. Here are our top ten.

Pilot’s aviation app directory

iPad Pilot News has helped pilots discover over 100 quality aviation apps since the invention of the iPad in 2010. Here we’ve assembled a basic directory to help you locate and download them in the App Store. This certainly doesn’t represent every aviation app ever created, but it highlights some of the most useful and most popular ones.

Portable ADS-B and SiriusXM receiver buyer’s guide

Today’s portable weather accessories for iPad have evolved from basic ADS-B receivers to sophisticated, multi-sensor devices capable of providing in-flight information that rivals many panel-mount avionics systems. There are a lot of options out there, so we assembled this buyer’s guide to help you sort out the details.

Optimize your iPad’s location services settings

The iPad’s software settings allow you to customize which apps can use your location to improve the user experience. While this is essential for moving map navigation apps in the airplane, you’ll find that it’s not necessarily important for all types of apps to be able to access this data. Here we’ll show you how to customize these settings to improve your iPad’s battery life.