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142 search results for: fltplan


Top 10 free iPhone/iPad apps for pilots

It’s rare to find something free in aviation, but fortunately for pilots the iPad app store is one of the exceptions. Here we’ve assembled our list of the top 10 free aviation apps that every pilot should load on their iPad and iPhone.


iPad apps for turbine pilots

There are numerous apps available geared toward turbine operations, including performance planning, support directories and international trip support. Check them out here in this comprehensive listing.


The year in review: apps

This is the first in a series of articles where we’ll review the year that was in the iPad aviation world, then make some predictions about what to expect in 2013. Today’s topic is apps: the new ones that appeared in 2012, the updates to the existing ones and the state of the market.


Aspen Connected Pilot gets certified

One year after announcing an ambitious plan to connect iPads to panel avionics, Aspen Avionics has received STC approval for Connected Pilot, the first in their planned line of Connected Panel products. The product is a complete two-way solution, including both hardware and software.


Top 12 iPad Tips

It’s been nearly a year and a half now since I’ve had to fumble through an approach chart book, locate an ILS approach chart and secure the book with a clip to hold the page open (and I probably had a flashlight hanging out of my mouth if it was dark out). No, I didn’t […]


Top 12 iPad Tips

Our top 12 ways to make your iPad flying easier and more efficient. Learn how to set up Night Mode, how to verify your charts are downloaded, how to use screen capture and more.