What’s the best iPad for pilots?

Considering your first iPad or upgrading your old one? There are a lot of options. In this article, we'll walk you through all the options, then offer our choice for the best overall aviation tablet.

7 settings all iPad pilots should know about

There are literally hundreds of settings in the main iPad settings app, which can make it difficult to sort out the useful ones from the clutter. Here we'll look at 7 important settings pilots should know about and adjust accordingly.

Flight training and the iPad – a balanced approach

Many students beginning their training often ask the question "is the iPad the right tool for me in my flight training?" There are many schools of thought on the use of technology during flight training and I couldn’t possibly cover all of them, so rather than try, I will stick with how we recommend the use of technology in a balanced learning approach to flight training here at Sporty's Academy.

Video tip: how to get started flying with the iPad

The iPad is easily the most user-friendly gadget to ever find its way into an airplane cockpit. This week's video tip takes a look at what the iPad can do for you as a pilot and how to get off to the right start when using it as an electronic flight bag.
Multitasking gesture

Understanding all the swipe gestures on your iPad

One of the iPad's defining characteristics is its touch interface. But while most pilots understand how to tap on an icon to open an app, there are a number of other gestures you can use to save time or unlock additional features on your iPad. Let's review all the options.

App troubleshooting: how to close, delete and restart

Everyone knows how to open an app on the iPad--just tap the icon and it's off to the races. But what about closing apps--do you know the difference between sleeping an app, shutting down an app and deleting an app? It's an important distinction that comes into play when an app starts misbehaving.

iPad legal briefing – what pilots need to know

Time to get current on iPad regulations. In this detailed article, we explain what you need to know to stay legal with your iPad in the cockpit, including a review quiz and helpful flow chart.

iPad essential tip: how to search your iPad for apps

The Spotlight Search is very simple and powerful tool on your iPad. Learn how you can quickly find and launch apps with it in this week's tip.

New ForeFlight video tips: Customizing the map, logbook and procedure advisor

We continue our ForeFlight video tip series this week with 3 new topics from Sporty's Flying with ForeFlight training course. These are designed to help pilots get the most out of ForeFlight and stay proficient with aviation's leading app.

Top 10 mistakes iPad pilots make

The way we move from beginner to expert is by trial and error. Along the way, many of us made some mistakes with the iPad and aviation apps. Here's our list of the 10 most common ones.

iPad memory management – how to free up storage space

It doesn't take long to fill up an iPad or iPhone these days with photos, music, magazines and large aviation app charts and databases. Here are 6 tips to help you analyze your device's storage status and free up space.

How to pre-flight your iPad in less than 5 minutes

The iPad is now standard equipment for most pilots' flying, whether as a primary reference for digital charts or as a performance calculator. Something that important demands a quick pre-flight check, just like the airplane and the pilot.