WingX updated with new moving map and Stratus 3 support

1 min read

The developers of the popular aviation app WingX released a new version of the app recently, adding a new faster moving-map, improved chart downloads and AHRS support for Stratus 3. The app also changed names, losing the Pro7 title, and is now simply called WingX. Here’s a quick look at the new features.

Faster Moving Map

The moving map in WingX is all new in Version 9 and is much more responsive. The maps pan and zoom much fluidly and weather layers load quickly and animate without much delay. While you won’t notice any major new features here yet, this lays the groundwork for additional improvements down the road.

Improved Chart Downloads

In previous versions of WingX you had limited control over the regions to download for VFR Sectionals and IFR En Route charts. The latest update allows you to choose specific regions, reducing download times and storage requirements.

Dual Data-Cycle Handling

A new option in the Databases section of the app allows you to store two database cycles (one current and one future), which can really be helpful if you’ll be out on a multi-day trip with limited access to the internet. There’s just one button to tap here to switch between databases.

Stratus 3 AHRS Support

The Stratus 3 ADS-B receiver added support for several apps last summer, including WingX. The latest WingX update allows the app to take advantage of the Stratus AHRS to drive the attitude indicator in both the regular instrument mode and when flying with synthetic vision.

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