Flying with the Garmin GDL 51 SiriusXM receiver

Garmin announced an all-new SiriusXM weather receiver this summer, the GDL 51, which finally brings satellite weather to the Garmin Pilot app (as well as Garmin portable GPSs like the Aera 660). We've had the chance to fly with it for a few weeks now, and have formed some opinions. Here are our testing notes.

iPad screen protector shootout – which one is best for pilots?

Dozens of companies offer iPad screen protectors. In this article, we compare the top two and pick our overall winner. Do they really work?
RAM spring-loaded iPad cradle

Mount and kneeboard options for the iPad Pro 10.5″

The iPad Pro 10.5" has quickly established itself as the best iPad yet for pilots. How to secure this new iPad in the cockpit isn't so simple. There are a number of options available, but not every iPad Air or iPad Pro 9.7" accessory works with the larger 10.5" size. Let's review the options.

How to use Stratus for flight data recording

The Stratus line of ADS-B receivers are well-known as weather receivers, but there's another option that many pilots don't use as often: flight data recording. By default, Stratus 2 and 2S are always recording your flights, including position, speed, altitude, and attitude - up to 20 hours at a time. Here's how to use these track logs.
connected panel feature

iPad Connected Panel Buyer’s Guide

More and more connected panel options are hitting the market, allowing you to wirelessly connect your iPad to panel-mount GPS and ADS-B receivers. Here we'll run down all the avionics options and review app compatibility.

New smartPlane system converts your iPad into a panel-mount MFD

Guardian's new smartPlane system allows you to use your iPad as a panel-mounted MFD and connect it to a GPS, engine monitor and AHRS to display flight and engine instruments and a moving map display.

Portable ADS-B receiver buyer’s guide

Today's portable weather accessories for iPad have evolved from basic ADS-B receivers to sophisticated, multi-sensor devices capable of providing in-flight information that rivals many panel-mount avionics systems. There are a lot of options out there, so we assembled this buyer's guide to help you sort out the details.
Garmin GDL 51

ForeFlight and Garmin introduce new weather receivers

EAA Airventure Oshkosh is the aviation event of the summer, and it usually brings a number of product introductions. This year is proving to be no exception, with new airplanes, new engines, and new avionics all being announced over the last week. Two of the giants in the world of aviation apps and accessories, ForeFlight and Garmin, joined the fray this week. Here's a look at what's new and what it all means.

How to safely contain a tablet fire

Many airlines and corporate flight departments require pilots to carry fire containment systems on all flights. After all, in a pressurized airplane at 37,000 feet, you can't exactly throw the tablet out the window. Fortunately, there's a new option that is both portable and far less expensive than traditional systems.

Dual continues to update its line of ADS-B receivers

For the last two years, Appareo's Stratus 2S and Garmin's GDL 39 3D have dominated the market for portable ADS-B receivers, but Dual Electronics has carved out a successful niche as well. Their strategy has been to offer affordable receivers that work with a wide variety of apps, making them our top picks for pilots flying with Aerovie, FltPlan Go, WingX, and FlyQ.
Flight Gear charger plugged in

The best USB charging accessory for pilots?

For pilots using a tablet as their primary chart reference, keeping an iPad charged isn't just a convenience - it's a safety of flight issue. Fortunately, there are a whole host of solutions that can keep your battery topped off; unfortunately, many were developed for cars and not airplanes. Now there's a new option that is made for aviation but inexpensive.

Flying with the inReach satellite messenger and an iPad

For some pilots, being disconnected is one of the joys of a pilot certificate, as you get to escape earthly annoyances; for others it is a major drawback. While high speed internet isn't available for light airplanes, Garmin's new inReach products offer an affordable option for staying connected in the air. We tested the inReach Explorer+ on 10 different flights recently, and found a lot to like.