Entries by Bret Koebbe

Get more out of your iPad’s battery with Apple’s built-in utility

Pilots tend to focus more on optimizing the iPad’s battery life than the average iPad user, since this is critical to keeping the device functioning in the airplane over the course of a flight. Fortunately, there’s a dedicated utility in the main iPad settings to help shed some light on which apps are using the most power, possibly while running in the background.

Top Apple Watch features and apps for pilots

There are a lot of aviation apps out there that allow you to access useful aviation and weather data from your wrist. Here we’ll take a look at the top weather and aviation apps for Apple Watch, along with how to take advantage of some of the standard Apple Watch features on your next flight.

Quiz: ForeFlight map airspace features

Many pilots prefer to use ForeFlight’s interactive Aeronautical Map layer instead of a VFR Sectional, thanks to its ability to scale up and down based on the current zoom level. This layer is especially useful when flying in and around complex airspace since it allows you to customize what elements are shown on the chart. Take our latest quiz and see if you know how to get the most out of these advanced settings.

ForeFlight updates fuel price submission process

Pilots have been crowd-sourcing data for decades (PIREPs!), long before the days of Waze police reports and Google Maps traffic updates. The latest update in ForeFlight improves one of its main crowd-sourcing features, by offering an improved flow for updating FBO fuel prices.