Entries by Bret Koebbe

ForeFlight adds new ADS-B traffic safety features

The latest ForeFlight update adds new “Aircraft on Runway Alerts” to better get your attention if an airplane is on the runway while you’re on final approach, or if an airplane is on short final to a runway you’re occupying. The update also adds ADS-traffic breadcrumbs, day/night overlay on maps and baro-corrected pressure altitude.

Portable ADS-B and SiriusXM receiver buyer’s guide

For the price of a few flight lessons, you can have in-flight weather (ADS-B or SiriusXM), GPS, traffic, flight data recorder and a backup attitude/heading display, all on your iPad. There are a lot of options out there, so we assembled this buyer’s guide to help you sort out the details, with updated information covering ForeFlight’s new Sentry Plus.

Top 10 aviation weather apps for pilots

There are thousands of weather apps for the general public, from free to quite expensive. These are great for deciding whether you need a jacket tomorrow, but when it comes to aviation weather—looking at thunderstorms, ice, turbulence, visibility and so much more—these apps just aren’t enough. So we’ll focus on apps that offer more for pilots, both free and paid.

Top 10 aviation apps for student pilots

The iPad is a great tool for pilots of all skill levels, from airline captains to student pilots. In addition to displaying digital charts and navigation data in the cockpit, the iPad is also very good for both organization and as a training resource on the ground. Here are 10 apps for new pilots to consider.