Advanced iPad Flying webinar video
Sporty’s Pilot Shop recently hosted a webinar on Advanced iPad Flying. The hour-long session included iPad power user tips, a legal briefing for pilots and ForeFlight Mobile tips. The event was recorded, and the video recording is now available:
Sound quality SUCKS
The video should be available for download for non 3G iPads.
Could not listen to the entire webcast, as the voice audio was so poor – almost painful. Also, as an aside, Brett mentioned that the “Find My iPhone” function does not work in the airplane. I beg to differ with him on his opinion, as my wife recently tracked a flight I made from KWVI (Watsonville CA to KSEZ (Sedona AZ). She called me when she watched us land at Bakersfield CA for a lunch stop, and again monitored the flight between there and Arizona. Just FYI…