Worried about battery life? Use Apple’s built-in utility

Pilots tend to focus more on optimizing the iPad's battery life than the average iPad user, since this is critical to keeping the device functioning in the airplane over the course of a flight. Fortunately, there's a dedicated utility in the main iPad settings to help shed some light on which apps are using the most power, possibly while running in the background.
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Time to upgrade your iPad: how old is too old?

The iPad is decidedly middle-aged now, at least for consumer technology, which means there is a busy used market for older tablets. An original iPad, which came out in 2010, can be purchased on eBay for under $50—a great deal, right? Not so fast. Most aviation apps have specific requirements that eliminate some older tablets from consideration, so before you buy that used iPad, read on.

Prevent iPad overheating issues in the airplane this summer

Based on iPad Pilot News reader surveys over the years, the majority of pilots have had the iPad shut down on them at least once in flight due to overheating. This is by far the most common problem reported by pilots when flying with an iPad, but it can be prevented with a little bit of planning and preparation.

Cleaning your iPad—practical tips for pilots

One positive thing to come from the pandemic is a renewed focus…

Electronic flight bag legal briefing for pilots—2021 edition

Each year we publish a plain-language review of the FARs and Advisory Circulars pertaining to the use of iPads and electronic flight bags in the cockpit. This is great information for pilots looking to make the transition from paper charts to an iPad, but should also be reviewed by experienced iPad pilots as well.

iPad essential tip: how to search your iPad for lost apps

Having trouble finding an installed app on your iPad? Use this tip to quickly locate and launch a lost app in a matter of seconds.

How to screenshot an entire web page in iOS 14

Screenshots are one of the most useful built-in tools in iOS, whether you’re ordering takeout or planning a flight. It’s particularly handy for saving web pages that won’t be accessible in flight, so we find ourselves using all the time it for radar images, flight plan routing, and fly-in procedures. A new option in Safari makes this tool even more powerful.

Annual maintenance checklist for your iPad

Similar to the routine of having your airplane undergo an annual inspection, we recommend that you take the time to review the following items once a year to keep your iPad, apps and accessories performing at their best.
Bluetooth settings

Can you connect two Bluetooth devices to your iPad at one time?

Bluetooth, once a cutting edge technology, is now woven into the fabric of daily life, from the kitchen to the car. As simple as it seems, though, Bluetooth can actually get pretty complicated, especially if you're trying to pair your iPad to multiple devices. Let's explore what the limitations are, and what a typical setup can support.
iPad Pro battery

Maximize iPad battery life with these tips

One of the most under-appreciated features of the iPad is its fantastic battery life. But there are a number of things you can do to improve the performance of your iPad battery and keep it in top working condition. Here's what you should know for safe and reliable operation in flight.

What’s the best iPad for pilots – 2020 buyer’s guide

Considering your first iPad or upgrading your old one? There are a lot of options. In this article, we'll walk you through all the options, then offer our choice for the best overall aviation tablet.

How to preflight your iPad in less than 5 minutes

You'll want to create a checklist that works for your apps, accessories and your airplane. Customize it so that you'll actually use it before every flight. With that in mind, though, here's a basic checklist to consider that applies to most apps.