Three quick Garmin Pilot tips
Garmin Pilot makes it easy to do the basics: view aviation charts, plan a flight, and navigate direct to airports. But if you're looking to take your EFB skills to the next level, this app is loaded with time-saving features and advanced in-flight tools. Here are three we've been using recently.

Advisory Circular Updated for the Authorization of Electronic Flight Bags
The FAA recently published an update to Advisory Circular (AC) 120-76 (Authorization for Use of Electronic Flight Bags (EFB)). As a reminder, this advisory circular does not apply to Part 91 operators (with the exeption of fractional operators under Part 91 Subart K), but can offer guidance and best practices for anyone operating with an EFB. Those operating under Part 91 do not require a specific FAA authorization for use of an EFB.

Using the Flights tab in ForeFlight—pro tips
ForeFlight's Maps page can be a pilot's best friend, since it's packed with visual planning tools and helpful information. But for experienced pilots, especially those who file IFR or fly high performance airplanes, the Flights tab offers a wealth of powerful features. Here are six that are often overlooked.

Tips for using aviation apps with home flight simulators
Are you stuck at home and separated from your airplane, or just experiencing an unlucky stretch of bad weather? The good news is, you can still fly at home and stay current with your favorite aviation apps using the latest flight simulators. Here's a deep dive into settings, add-on software, flight sim controls, and app settings.

Electronic flight bag legal briefing for pilots—2024 edition
Each year we publish a plain-language review of the FARs and Advisory Circulars pertaining to the use of iPads and electronic flight bags in the cockpit. This is great information for pilots looking to make the transition from paper charts to an iPad, but should also be reviewed by experienced iPad pilots as well.

A step-by-step approach to thunderstorm avoidance with an EFB app
One of the major weather hazards pilots have to deal with this time of year is convective weather and resulting thunderstorms. This article takes a deep dive look at the resources available in ForeFlight to help you plan a flight around these weather hazards.

Annual maintenance checklist for your iPad
Similar to having your airplane undergo annual maintenance, we recommend that you review the following items to keep your iPad performing.

Five tips for flying with the iPad at night
The days of holding a mini-Maglite in your mouth and shining it down on a paper sectional are gone thanks to the iPad's backlit screen. But just because the iPad solves part of the night lighting equation doesn't mean you can just hop in the airplane and start using it the same way you do during the day. Here are five things to consider the next time you go flying at night with your iPad.

Guide to filing an IFR flight plan in ForeFlight
After setting up some initial data in ForeFlight for you and your aircraft, filing an IFR flight plan takes just a few minutes. Here we'll walk through the process step-by-step to show you where to enter the data and send the flight plan through to ATC.

Keep your head up with iPad audio alerts
The iPad is an engaging visual tool, but many pilots forget about its many audio uses. Especially for those pilots who worry about spending too much "heads-down" time with the iPad, it's worth understanding how apps use audio to make flying more efficient and safe. Let's look at some of the options, and how to set up an audio connection to your headset.

ForeFlight Pack — more than just charts
Most pilots know how to use ForeFlight's Pack feature to verify chart downloads before a flight, but it can do much more.

How to set up Stolen Device Protection in iOS 17.3
Apple added a new security feature called Stolen Device Protection for your iPhone in the most recent iOS 17.3 update. When this feature is enabled, some features and actions require additional security steps beyond entering the numeric passcode when your iPhone is away from familiar locations such as home or work.