Entries by Eric Radtke

Top 10 iPad Pilot Gifts for 2024

The team at iPad Pilot News has spent hundreds of flying hours researching and testing the best apps, gear, and accessories for iPad pilots. From rugged cases and mounts that offer maximum protection, to essential apps for training and flight preparation, these thoughtfully curated gifts are designed to make a pilot’s flying experience smoother, safer, and more organized.

Best flight tracking apps

While airline mobile apps are great for booking flights and accessing boarding passes, they’re less than ideal for flight tracking. Here’s a look at various ways to track all the details for your next airline flight from your iPhone or iPad.

Advisory Circular Updated for the Authorization of Electronic Flight Bags

The FAA recently published an update to Advisory Circular (AC) 120-76 (Authorization for Use of Electronic Flight Bags (EFB)). As a reminder, this advisory circular does not apply to Part 91 operators (with the exeption of fractional operators under Part 91 Subart K), but can offer guidance and best practices for anyone operating with an EFB. Those operating under Part 91 do not require a specific FAA authorization for use of an EFB.