iOS Update Green Light program: iOS and iPadOS 17.6.1

1 min read

Apple released iOS and iPadOS 17.6.1 for iPhone and iPad, including bug fixes and security updates. Like any software update, we recommend waiting until your app or accessory developer has time to test it out and verify there are no compatibility issues.

12 replies
  1. M. A.
    M. A. says:

    Great article explaining the updates; however, unless I missed something … somewhere, I do not see a purpose in this article. Here is what I mean:
    It gives mention of a “program” geared to help ensure our aviation apps are at maximum performance. Yet, how can a person check their individual iPads if there isn’t a means in doing so?
    In other words, how is this “program” supposed to work if one cannot download anything?
    Thank you and stay healthy.

    • Bill Crawford
      Bill Crawford says:

      I updated my IPAD PRO to 16.2 and at least the trial version of Iflygps seems to function. But, I had the same reaction as to ponder why Iflygps was not on the list. IFly works with EIS and as far as I know Levil products. I am not a reliable source as I did not think to check all of IFly’s features specifically against the IOS.

  2. Briano Santos
    Briano Santos says:

    Anyone else having an issue with ForeFlight crashing, whenever cellular data or WiFi is turned on? I just updated FF and the latest iOS last night and now FF keeps crashing. It’s unusable at this point for me.

  3. Rudi
    Rudi says:

    I don’t know your feelings, but while I look at iOS 16.1 my feelings are kind of ok’ish, but testing iPadOS 16.1 the pictures turns black – that one hit the wrong exit and drives towards Vista for iPads …

  4. Charles
    Charles says:

    I just read about the RSR update. Are you going to be treating it like prior updates and test before greenlighting it as in all other prior updates. Referring to IPadOS. 16.4.1 a


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