Weather strategy: improve your preflight and inflight decision making
While the standard weather briefing from Flight Service has come a long way since the days of 1-800-WX-BRIEF and DUATs, it is still mostly limited to the traditional weather forecasts and charts. There are so many more preflight tools forecasts products that pilots should be looking at, but until recently they were difficulty to find and buried on the National Weather Service or Aviation Weather websites.
Today though, thanks to the iPad and aviation apps, these modern weather forecasts and charts are just a few taps away. Aviation Meteorologist Scott Dimmich and iPad Pilot News Editor Bret Koebbe recently presented a webinar on the subject, explaining how these products are developed and where you can find them in apps like ForeFlight. They also shed some light on how to use in-flight weather products from SiriusXM and ADS-B to improve your in-flight decision making when the weather is less than ideal. Here’s the full video recording: